Five Dangerous Kinds of People to avoid in destiny

The destiny of a person is so important that, who or what you allow in your space can turn things for the better or for worse. Personality can be defined as the unique qualities that form a person’s character. The type of personality a person has, will determine the kinds of relationships they are able to form and keep.

Everyone is surrounded by two kinds of people; positive or good people and negative or toxic people. These are people we know, walk with, eat with, laugh with and make merry with. They are people we confide in, pray with and embrace.

It is important to note that, unfortunately, in these times we seem to be surrounded by more negative people than positive people but, this is just a confirmation of the scripture 2 Timothy 3:5. This is why we ought to understand our place as children of God and shut out all forms of negative people. Let us now look at 5 kinds of dangerous personalities to avoid:

Visionless people

The first group of people to avoid is Visionless People. These are people who don’t know where they are going or what they want in life. They just go where the wind sends them. They are also people who are not able to see evil and advise themselves like it says Proverbs 22:3. Again, visionless people don’t have spiritual or emotional intelligence and such people cannot be inspired to do anything no matter the kind of advise given them. For instance, these people, when asked what their plans are or what they want to do in life, will always respond, “Oh, I am just going with flow. I take life as it comes”. Such people are not defined. They cannot make up their minds on exactly what they want to do. Proverbs 4:34, Proverbs 29:18.

Remember that the kind of company you keep can make or unmake you. What will happen two people with different visions walking together? Proverbs 13:20

Rebellious people Isaiah 30:8-9, Proverbs 17:11

Rebelious people are people who defy or challenge authority and manipulate others, using human wisdom, grievance, gossip or a desire to prove or make what is wrong right.

Rebellion is a root of jealousy and bitterness. Let us take a look at Numbers 16:1-3. It talks about Korah, a levite of great authority who gathered up 250 princes of the assembly against Moses because they claimed Moses was taking too much upon himself. Jealousy is such a dangerous thing that you cannot tell how it feeds a person’s heart till they become bitter. Korah led this rebellion because he had been jealous of Moses for such a long time. That is why Rebellion is likened to witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:23, Proverbs 22.10

A rebellious person is an enemy of God. When Jonah decided to rebel against God, everything was against him, even the sea. So much so that the innocent people who took him on their ship, ended up losing their valuables. And until they threw everything including Jonah overboard, the storm kept raging. Walking with/Haboring rebellious people can cause you to lose your valuables or everything. Jonah 1:1-16

It is important to note that, usually the grounds for people rebelling is good/genuine. However, due to their deep-seated jealousy, bitterness, anger,evil thoughts, etc. their reaction to situations spin out of control, leading to their destruction. The end of people who rebel is never good.

Gossips and Slanderers

These people always have something to say about someone, mostly negative. It is important to note that people who are willing/likely to talk about others to you, will talk about you to others. Listening to gossips will either cause you to gossip too or cause you to have negative thoughts about the person being talked about.

Gossips are people around you or share the same circle with you. These could be people you work with, are in school with, people you live, etc. You should learn to stop them before they get you into their web because. Tell them, “Stop! I don’t want to hear that.” Or you say, “Let’s pray for so and so person.” Let us not encourage unwholesome talk.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29.

Other scriptures to note include; 1 Corinthians 15:33. Proverbs 20:19, Proverbs 18:8

Glory Hunters & Money Grabbers

Glory hunters are people who want to be in charge and dominate. They will always look for opportunities or situations to remove a person from their position to occupy it. Genesis 27:1-46. Glory hunters are people who follow you because of what you have and not because they believe in you. They are not for you, they are for what you are for. They work to frustrate you and close every door to success against your life. Glory hungers will want to claim credit after you have fought and obtain victory.

Such people will get in your way to devalue you… to make you feel “not enough”. They try to shut your ideas down and make you feel you are nothing to write home about. These kind of people will not applaud you when they see you doing well because they feel do not deserve it. Even when they applaud you, it’s because they need something from you or have a stake in what they are applauding you for.

Money Grabbers are also people who ran away from you when it is time to pay the bill. People who keep on asking for things. Simply put, people who want to spend your money. They are constantly asking for something or the other. It starts with something small and may end up with something big like money, materials, etc. Stay away from habitually needy people.

Money grabbers prey on your feeling of empathy to see how much money, time, energy and good will they can take from you. These people stay with you because you can provide their needs or feed them, clothe them, give them a platform, publicise them, etc. They will sell you out immediately they find someone who can provide something better for them.

Over sensitive or People with victim mentality

Oversensitive or temperamental people are people who come with so much emotional baggage. These people are fond of making negative confessions. In fact, you only need to meet them and will almost believe they have over 10, 000 problems. Over sensitive people claim they are always in pain, they are always sick, the world is against them, everyone is in competition with them, etc.

One major characteristic of oversensitive people is immaturity. Immature people do not like to take responsibility for their actions, always looking for someone to blame. When they realise they are falling in a ditch or there is a problem, they are always looking for the next person to put the blame on. For instance, an immature person will jump into marriage against all odds; physical and spiritual, just to fulfil their selfish interest. They will look for the first person to blame the moment things don’t go well for them. Then they will start saying things like, “Eeh… my friend so and so asked me to marry my spouse, else I would not have not done such” or, “my husband told me to be careful of this friend and I didn’t listen”.

People with victim mentality or oversensitive people are also selfish people. When they come complaining to you, it is not because they seek a solution. They come just to complain and complain and complain. It is just to drain your energy and waste your time. So you realise that after communicating with such a person, you will feel so worn instead of feeling refreshed. Proverbs 25:5

Over sensitive people can be highly manipulative. This is because they always want something from you, and if you look back on your relationships with them, it’s all take, take, take, with little or no giving. They will drain all your energy till you have nothing left. Don’t be surprised to see such a person disappear when you have no energy left and to return only when they see you have recouped. 2 Timothy 4:14-15.

Oversensitive people like to form pity parties. Because of this, they are capable of being pathological liars.

Just because they want your attention, they will say say any and everything. These kind of people, when not in talking terms with someone, can paint a person black to you just to get you hate the person. You cannot share your secrets with such a person because the moment you offend him or her, they would tell everybody what they have done for you, including what they have not done.

God bless you.
© 2021 Amy Kasim Ministries

Published by Naema

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